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  • Subject: Re: RE my XP Windows got broke in a Hailstorm
  • From: Douglas Handy <dhandy1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 15:13:25 -0400


>>> I can't intelligently discuss the technical aspects of whether their
>tactics were illegal or not.  

I maybe shouldn't have phrased it that way, but illegal or not, I'm convinced it
is how they managed to swing the market share so quickly.  

>>> I agree it was a technical requirement, but IMHO a marketing blunder.
>That's in retrospect, BTW...  I ran OS/2 first on an 80386.  It worked like
>a charm, 

My point was that protected mode is what allowed OS/2 to work like a charm.  I
don't think they *could* have been as stable without it.

>>>But even 386 enhanced mode was a joke...  the "386 enhanced" mode just barely

True, but the other modes were even worse.  Just goes to prove that Windows did
not win market share by technical merits. <g>  I *tried* to use early versions
of Windows.  Even my 3.0 was largely shelfware, although I found 3.11 and
especially 3.11 Windows For Workgroups to be usable enough to the point I kept
it loaded.  (And reloaded, and reloaded, ... <g>)

>>> I'm afraid I'm going to have to bail on this thread...  the good ones can 
>go on 
>>>because their perpetually insightful.

Or is that inciteful.  <g>  (I may have just coined a new word -- my dictionary
doesn't list that as a variation of incite.)

>OTOH, if I hadn't found out about M-L, my
>life would probably be a lot simpler now, so....;-)

I really try to stay out of these type of threads, but you succedded in drawing
my into it.  I'll really try to go back to lurking mode.


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