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  • Subject: RE: New Subject: Series/1
  • From: "Carl Galgano" <cgalgano2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:09:15 -0400
  • Importance: Normal

I think most S/1 were phased out because of Y2K.  I know Advantis (now ATT
Global, but was Advantis Global) used S/1 as comm front ends for BSC comms
into their network.  They dumped them all late in 1999.  The S/1 was an
unbelievable box. It could/would talk to ANYTHING.

Carl J. Galgano
EDI Consulting Services, Inc.
550 Kennesaw Avenue, Suite 800
Marietta, GA  30060
(770) 422-2995 - voice
(419) 730-8212 - fax
AS400 EDI, Networking, E-Commerce and Communications Consulting and
Premium Ice Cream Brands shipped Overnight

"You ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know" - rw

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-midrange-l@midrange.com
[mailto:owner-midrange-l@midrange.com]On Behalf Of Douglas Handy
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 10:00 AM
To: MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com
Subject: Re: New Subject: Series/1


>For us "New to the AS/400-iSeries world" folks, could someone give some
>background on the Series/1 and perhaps a website or two a person could
>navigate to?  Thanks!

I worked on the Series/1 for ahwile in '79 and '80, running an operating
called "Event Driven Executive" and programming in a language called "Event
Driven Language".

At the time, the S/1 was used largely for process control instead of
business applications.  The only indexed access was via a PRPQ, there was
not a
print spooler, no menus or sign-on security, etc.  (A print spooler was
later, but I think it was a PRPQ too.)

But from a hardware standpoint the price/performance was very good compared
the S/34 (which I also worked on).  The software house I worked at then
in a S/1 to decide if we thought it was a viable option over the S/34.  At
time, I think K-Mart and a farm Coop in Kansas has just ordered 5000 S/1's

As I recall, the S/1 was a follow-on to something called the System 7, but I
never saw one of those.  The S/1 was a multi-user system with very good
connectivity for things like ASCII devices, and it was well suited for
control, enery management, etc.

While I enjoyed working on it, it was not near as productive for coding
applications as SSP and RPG II on the S/34.


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