× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

----- Original Message -----
From: <barsa@barsaconsulting.com
> >From my experiences speaking throughout the world, I have learned that
> foreign AS/400 run English in addition to their native language.  (Some of
> them run it was the primary language, others as the secondary language.
> One of the reasons that I have heard this is that non-English speaking
> folks complain about the quality if the translation They comment to me
> to write programs on an AS/400 , you just about have to speak English.
> of the languages (exclude C if you will) are abbreviations of English.
> Al

In an Hispanic country in the Caribbean, as a speaker of
"maximum-fluency-Spanish" speaker learned as a second language,  and after
learning RPG in the 70's from materials written in Spanish, I learned that
the lingo used by them is English. One programmer cracked up after finding
out my "octetos" were actually "bytes"! He told me the predominant training
done initially in the States.. Almost all the programmers there did speak
pretty good English.

About translation quality, I get entertainment sometimes from automatic
translation software offered on the Web, and sometimes from movie subtitles.
Occasionally an ad will get me in stitches.

As I stated in a previous thread, treat translation programs as the old
"snake oil" solution, and make sure you get quality translation skills when
you use a service. Especially technical or specialized translations.

- Alan

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