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  • Subject: Re: HELP w/ IBM bureaucracy
  • From: D.BALE@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 18:47:00 -0500

All very good questions...

Dan Bale
IT - AS/400
Handleman Company
248-362-4400  Ext. 4952

-------------------------- Original Message --------------------------
Is there no way for IBM to tell if your boxes were (re)marketed by a BP,
and which one?  Were the boxes purchased from overseas?

But suppose you do get the name and contact info of the BP - what are your
options if that BP is no longer in business, or no longer qualifies as a
BP?  Will IBM then provide you the support that you need?



We have two AS/400s (both 9406-510's running V3R7) at two of our branches
whose serial numbers begin with '44'.  According to IBM, '44' indicates
the box was manufactured outside the U.S. and a serial number beginning
'10' indicates that the box was manufactured inside the U.S.

The problem is that IBM's records show these two systems as beginning with
'10' with the correct last 5 digits of the serial number.  This apparently
not a problem with all of our previous dealings with IBM since I was told
that, normally, IBM only refers to the last 5 digits of the serial number,
ignoring the first 2 digits.


Dan Bale
IT - AS/400
Handleman Company
248-362-4400  Ext. 4952
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