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  • Subject: Re: HELP!!! need to get windows Computer name, workgroup via AS/400.
  • From: bdietz@xxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 15:33:41 -0400

Ok, I got the source for nmblookup and am trying to compile it.  In the
I used the BINARY from the samba distribution and via the PASE environment
I was able
to get the windows computer name and work groups.
I did not have to compile the binary, just exteacted it from the tar.z and
ran it.

 > nmblookup -A local-170
   Looking up status of
   received 4 names
           BDIETZ98        <00> -         M <ACTIVE>
           ITS             <00> - <GROUP> M <ACTIVE>
           BDIETZ98        <03> -         M <ACTIVE>
           BDIETZ          <03> -         M <ACTIVE>
   num_good_sends=0 num_good_receives=0

Pretty cool stuff  I will let you know how goes the compile on nmblookup.

Bryan dietz
3X Corp.

>Can I get the PC computer name, and workgroup it is in, from the
>I am able to get an IP address for a device description, but if I
>could get more info about the PC it would help me greatly.
>Thank you.
>Gerald Magnuson
>The Knapheide Manufacturing Company
>>Consider trying to get the source code for Samba.  Samba is a Linux
program that makes
>>a linux directory appear to be a WinXX directory on the network.  Since
this is Linux and
>>Linux is open source, it should be VERY easy to get the source code for
this.  Of course
>>it will be written in C.  Or it might of even been the other way around,
where you could
>>use a WinXX network share in Linux.  Since it's been a while since I used
Samba (3+ years)
>>it's probably grown to the point where it goes either way right now.
>>If you do get the source code and figure out how to do this, please make
give us the source
>>code or make it open source.  If you have any problems finding the source
or doing the
>>conversion give me a yell and I'll give you a hand.  Unfortunately, I
have yet to write a
>>TCP/IP program in RPG so that is where I am lacking.
>>Jim Langston

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