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  • Subject: RE: Journaling
  • From: Jim Knight <jknight@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 08:32:24 -0700

The only performance hit I know of is the 10 disk requirement
for journal receivers.  The 400 will use the 10 fastest drives in 
ASP.  I believe the journals get preferential treatment for placement
on the drives.  Since they are a sequential function, if there is a lot
of production data updating to those drives, you could see disk utilization
go up.  Placing them in a separate ASP reduces that performance hit.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Earl [mailto:johnearl@400security.com]
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 6:34 AM
To: MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com
Subject: Journaling

Does anyone know of a benchmark for journaling on the AS/400?

I'm involved in a discussion with someone who refuses to believe
that journaling will not bring a system to it's knees.   I could
create a test, but it would be better if this information came
from some independent third party.

Anybody have a reference from a reputable source?


John Earl                    johnearl@400security.com
The PowerTech Group      --> new number --> 253-872-7788
PowerLock Network Security   www.400security.com

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