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  • Subject: Re: AS/Set (?sp)
  • From: Rob Dixon <rob.dixon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 19:13:43 +0100


I must have been suffering from Monday morning syndrome!  Whenever I saw AS/SET,
I read BPCS.  I know that one begat the other but that is no excuse.  Perhaps 
reason was that we have always wanted to have a go a rewriting an ERP package
using our product as we believe that the result would be dramatically simpler.
When I referred to "extraordinary complexity". I was of course thinking of BPCS.

Back to AS/SET.  This would be a somewhat more manageable task.  We could read
the AS/SET repository and convert the definitions into ERROS and create
applications. Alternatively, it should be relatively easy to create a standard
AS/400 field reference file

Please call or e-mail me if you would like more information

Best wishes

Rob Dixon

tel;fax:44 1844 239340
tel;work:44 1844 239339
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