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  • Subject: Re: Client Access file transfer
  • From: Jerome Draper <jdraper@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 12:27:56 -0700

I have done this with the Synapse NetWolf file transfer.  It would probably
be similar with CA.  The Synapse file transfer request file (.A2P or .P2A
for NetWolf; .TTO and .TFR for CA) looks like a .ini file -- totally
English.  The CA file is a very cryptic file but still a .txt file.  It is
documented somewhere I am sure.

You can easily write a VB pgm that:

1.  Defines the file transfer request file as a table
2.  Prompts for the variable; edit as required.
3.  Write table to the appropriate .A2P-etc file plugging in the variable
with a MID$(a,b,c).
4.  Execute the file tranfer with a shell from the VB pgm or otherwise.

Synapse has a nice interface for pgm controlled file tranfers that include
a messaging system so that you can tract the status of the file transfer
(ie:  is it done?; did it crash?; etc.).



At 08:00 PM 5/22/2000 -0500, you wrote: 
>At 07:55 05/22/2000 , BillErhardt wrote:
>>Can a variable be passed to a Client Access file transfer?  If so, how does
>>one do it?
>Not afaik, but you can rewrite the transfer request. For that you probably 
>need a pc program of some kind, although I have seen it done with a dos 
>.bat file (not pretty, but it worked). There used to be a file transfer 
>API, but memory is getting really fuzzy there. I know Paul Conte used it 
>when he was distributing RPG Free, but that was all 16 bit stuff. Very nice 
>too, I might add.
>Pete Hall

Jerry Draper, Trilobyte Software Systems, since 1976
Specializing in connecting PC's, Windows, MAC's, and LAN's to the AS/400
Representing Synapse, Apple, UDS, Nlynx, Perle, Lucent, etc.
(415) 457-3431; (415) 258-1658fax; jdraper@wco.com
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