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  • Subject: Re: Using multiple tape drives for *NonSys system backup
  • From: Scott.Lindstrom@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 12:48:17 -0600

This doesn't exactly answer your question, but may help:

We have two 3590's and do the following:
     We call the weekly backup program from the console
     It does an ENDSYS and a SAVSYS to the first drive
     I save the contents of QSTRUPPGM, change it to *NONE, and then STRSBS QCTL
(most subsystems do not  start, but batch jobs in QCTL are now allowed)
     I submit a job to JOBQ QCTL to save three of our largest libraries - which
happen to make up about half
     of our disk - to the second drive
     Interactively I continue with a SAVLIB *IBM, and SAVLIB(*ALLUSR)
OMITLIB(list of libraries being backed
     up in batch) to the first drive.  (Also do SAVDLO and SAV)
     When the interactive save is done, it waits for the batch save to complete
(communicating via a
     Change QSTRUPPGM back to its saved value

This is a general outline.  Your's may vary.

Our backup was about cut in half.

Scott Lindstrom
Zenith Electronics

Glenn Birnbaum <gbirnba@rei.com> on 03/10/2000 10:50:25 AM

Please respond to MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com

To:   "'MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com'" <MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com>
cc:    (bcc: Scott R Lindstrom/ITZ/Zenith)

Subject:  Using multiple tape drives for *NonSys system backup

We're trying to shorten the down time used during our weekly full system
backups.  We have two 3590's available, but under V4R3, cannot use both drives
for a SAVLIB(*NONSYS) backup.

At which release is there support for using multiple drives during restricted
state backups?  Also, any details of how it's implemented and benchmarks of time
savings would be interesting.

Glenn Birnbaum
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