× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I would also be interested in this since we are about to plug into a WAN.
Is their an easy way to restrict what TCP/IP address can access what ports?
i.e. Telnet 23 and Client Access 8470-8479?

Christopher K. Bipes            mailto:ChrisB@Cross-Check.com
Sr. Programmer/Analyst          mailto:Chris_Bipes@Yahoo.com
CrossCheck, Inc.                http://www.cross-check.com
6119 State Farm Drive           Phone: 707 586-0551 x 1102
Rohnert Park  CA  94928         Fax: 707 586-1884

-----Original Message-----
From: mcrump@ballfoster.com [mailto:mcrump@ballfoster.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 10:08 AM
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: Security

Here's one:

I've had some probes from our internal auditors and the consultants they
hired.  I've been able to see a lot of things through standard reports but
area that I have no answer for is can we log TCP address usage?  For
example, as
part of their test they ran a dictionary type of profile probe against some
ports (POP3 and LPD for example).   We could see them (invalid logins etc.)
I had no easy way to determine which address theyI were coming in on....is
any easy way to log TCP usage by IP adress?   I'm interested in logging TCP
application and the address used.....

Thanks in advance.

BTW, I am at V4R2.....


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