× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi friends,

We are implementing windowing for Y2K conversion and for that we are
ALTSEQ to the decade part of the year field. We are facing a problem with
converted sort specs.

The original code is
FNC          1   6                              Date field(YMD)
FNC          7   9
This we have converted as

HSORTR  9A      F
FNC           1   1    A                        Decade part of date
FNC           2   6                             Rest of the date except
decade part

The output that this sort spec produces should be in the alternate sequence
(that is, 
according to the window of 1950 - 2049 , ONLY THE SEQUENCE AND NOT THE 
VALUES) but we are getting a modified output. All 9s are being modified as
4s and 
so on....we only want the sequence changed and not the values. 

To analyze this, we have done some study. We put a 'X' in the control spec

HSORTR  9A      F    X
FNC           1   1    A
FNC           2   6

This worked fine and gave only the changed sequence and not the values.
Sort specs are only supposed to change the sequence and not the values, I
Can anyone resolve this further, we have lot of sort specs in this
application that we 
are making Y2K compliant and such a thing would mean a lot of rework to us.

Please mail me the solutions (if any) as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance.

Murali Bhaavan.

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