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  • Subject: Multiple commands at at time
  • From: Greg van Paassen <gregvp@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 23:51:22 +1300

I am new to this list, so please excuse me if posting code is not the done
When the FAQ appears in my in-tray I shall read it most assiduously.

Is anyone interested in a command to execute a sequence of commands?
I have written such a command.  I find it useful for user-defined options
in PDM, for overriding files in batch jobs, and for all sorts of things in
combination with another command/capability missing from the OS/400 shell:
the FOR...DO command.

A typical batch job command goes something like:-
        sbmjob cmd( exccmdlst 'ovrdbf ... ovrscope(*JOB); call <test-program>' )

In PDM I have used it in a variety of ad-hoc ways.

FOR is useful for all kinds of things. For example, to start journalling
for a set of files, I use DSPOBJD to produce an outfile, LIST, and then run
        For ODOBNM in( *FILE ) file( *LIST ) do( 'strjrnpf odobnm jrn( jrn )' )

The "do" uses EXCCMDLST to execute the command(s) for each record in LIST,
replacing occurrences of "ODOBNM" with the contents of the field ODOBNM in
the record. So if record one of LIST has "CUSTMAST" as the object name
(odobnm field), the command executed is "strjrnpf CUSTMAST jrn( jrn )" .

I should point out that I am a journeyman programmer, not a corporation, so
this is "use at your own risk" material.

If any-one's interested I'll post the code.

Cheers -- Greg
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