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  • Subject: Re: Common - Anaheim...
  • From: Pete Massiello <pmassiello@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 18:16:08 -0400
  • Organization: OS Solutions International

As a vendor, we give out quite a lot of marketing information and
"toys", and we would prefer that these go to real AS/400 users.  You can
be assured, that anyone who has paid the price for the Common
conference, definitely has an AS/400 interest.  Therefore, it would be
nice if they had to be members of Common, and not just people walking
off the street.  

Just my two cents, from a different perspective.  

Pete Massiello
OS Solutions International 
Phone: (203)-744-7854  Ext 11.

Don wrote:
> Laura,
> Since there is no other trade show for the midrange product line and
> since it happens only twice a year and since they're gonna have a expo
> anyway...and since not everyone is going to be able to attend Common, and
> since the expo subsidizes(sp?!) the costs of the convention, and since
> there are alot of locals that would like to have exposure to the vendor
> area that for whatever reason won't be able to make the main sessions.....
> why not?  :)
> Basically what brought this up was the fact that they wanted about $350
> for a manditory 1-day pass JUST to attend the expo in NOLA....and there
> were people that drove all the way from DFW just to wonder through the
> expo....and had to return to DFW on Monday...and I'm sure this isn't the
> only time this has happened...this is kinda (bizzare!) when compared to
> the real world...like NAB, et al....   There has to be a happy medium
> here....
> Don in DC metro...
> > I remember that coming up at MOM, but I don't recall the board committing to
> > it.  Not that it's not a good idea....I kind of like it.  But doesn't it 
> > the notion that COMMON is 'just another trade show' vs. what it's supposed 
> > be - a users group meeting??
> >
> > Laura Ausel
> > AS/400 Support Center
> >
> >
> > I just printed the registration form for Anaheim from the web.  I thought
> > that at MOM they were going to implement a "expo only" pass....  What
> > happened to that??
> >
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