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  • Subject: Re: testing a char field for numeri chars in SQL
  • From: "James W. Kilgore" <qappdsn@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 23:37:12 -0700
  • Organization: Progressive Data Systems, Inc.

Qile wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to be able to test the second, third, & fourth characters of an alpha
> field to determine if they are numeric or not. E.g. I want to test for the
> format xnnnxxxxx.


My first gut reaction is that you are out of luck.

It appears that your data base has violated rule #1 of normalization and has a
composite field.  IMO it's easier to concatenate than it is to parse.  Had the
file been defined differently the 3 numeric positions would have been a separate
field.  After all they do appear to have some intrinsic meaning or validity 
and should have been defined accordingly.

Sorry :(

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