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  • Subject: Re: System/34
  • From: "Max Eskin" <maxeskin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 15:23:13 PST

Actually, I'm perfectly serious. In fact, it seems that they do run
in some places. I am trying to get this one to run because it is as
close as I am going to get to a computer of its class. I have an
interest in old computers, you see.

>Max Eskin wrote:
>> Does anyone have extra manuals for a System/34? Also, does anyone 
>> if it's power supply is somehow hackable to accept 110 Volts?
>you've got to be kidding!  aren't you?  please say you're kidding );O
>8 years ago, those things were a poor space heater (and eater) and less 
useful than a boat anchor.
>seriously, I can't imagine one of those things still running.

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