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  • Subject: Re: NT CA/400 transfer only HEX?
  • From: "Eduard van den Braken" <eduard.van.den.braken@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 19:11:09 +0100


>Lo wrote:

>One thing I can't understand is why IBM decided to convert 65535 data
>to  character-hexadecimal representation in the first place. Who would
>possibly need that?<<
>The question of Lo, why IBM convert 65535 data to character-hex
>representation is a good one. I myself must admit that I don't need that.
>Well, I thought of writing a short program which converts this char-hex
>rep. to normal text. This is not necessary now since it's get fixed but I
>can't understand this hex-transfer either.

CCSID (Character Code Set Instruction Id) is the IBM way of making it
possible to translate different languages to each other so that special
characters are mapped to the most alike characters.
CCSID 65535 means in this contents NO TRANSLATION.
This is exactly what happens if you do file transfer.
No translation means the EBCDIC hexcodes stay the what they are.
If you read them on a PC (Which uses the ASCII code set it is all rubbish.
The problem is that most of the AS/400's around don't use the CCSID the way
we are supposed to do.
IBM uses the CCSID consequently from release 3.1 I think, before that they
didn't tell us what we were supposed to do with is.
All the older system use CCSID 66535 as that is the old standard, resulting
in NO TRANSLATION during file transfer.

Groetjes    (Greetings)
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     +++         .'_#_`.       o,*,(o o)          ,,,      
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             Name: Eduard van den Braken
         E-mail: eduard.van.den.braken@tip.nl
           Town: Leusden -- the Netherlands
 Homepage: http://www.tip.nl/users/eduard.van.den.braken/

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