- Encapsulating file access in Service Programs
, Richard Rothe
- RE: Encapsulating file access in Service Programs
, Bartell, Aaron L. (TC)
- Son of Encapsulation
, Joel Cochran
- Procedure getDateStrMIL
, Ewart Desouza
- New Version almost ready...
, Joel Cochran
- Re: New Version almost ready...
, Ewart Desouza
- Updsrvpgm & file encap.
, Joel Schibbelhute
- RE: Updsrvpgm & file encap.
, Bartell, Aaron L. (TC)
- Re: RPGNext Digest, Vol 1, Issue 23
, Joel Schibbelhute
- New xRPG Release available for download
, Joel Cochran
- Quick Update
, Joel Cochran
, Joel Cochran
- Display Field list of a file
, Ewart Desouza